In a same research thesis can we use hypotheses which are relevant to the study but require different statistical tests for analysis? for example in a study about media consumption and its effect on pro-social behavior, if one hypothesis is about relationship between  time spent on watching TV (continuous variable) and Pro-social behavior (measured in time spent with people) (continuous variable). if we use correlation or regression for this and in the same study if another hypothesis is about comparison among exposure to different kinds of media like TV, radio, social media etc (nominal variable measure) and its effect on pro-social behavior (continuous) and we use t-test or ANOVA for testing this hypothesis, is it right? and what if we include both parametric and non-parametric tests in a same study according to the requirement of hypotheses and data. can we do that? or we have to make our hypotheses in a way so that all of them can be tested by same or related statistical tests? is there any rule regarding it? sometime in a large study when we break down the independent and dependent variables then some sub categories could be continuous and some may be categorical. The whole point here is that can we combine different kinds of tests (according to the need of data and hypotheses) in one study.Thanks.

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