Dear All,

I have been working on various light trapping techniques for the a-Si thin film solar cells.

Recently, I came across a case of wet chemical textured Glass (high etching depth:>5 um, hazy surface) substrate.

When we measured the optical transmittance (Total, Parallel, Diffused) of samples by the equipment (Haze Master-Scinco). We see that the samples with high etching depth and hazy surface showed almost similar total and diffused transmittance. i.e Haze ratio: ~100. Is it possible for a sample to have 100% haze ratio...? I am surprised of it....Can any expert please guide me...

In several research paper like from Konagai et. al and few other they used index matching solution to measure the optical (TT,DT) properties of such samples...We also used the index matching (CH2I2, n=1.74) solution in several case....But those results are different from the normal results without index matching solution...Can anyone please guide...which method is better...



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