Dear all,

I want to know if it is econometric-ally correct to use a predicted value as an EXPLANATORY variable in another regression in order to test a hypothesis within a time series and panel data analyses. For the time series, the estimation technique is ARDL while I am using both pooled OLS and dynamic fixed effects estimators for the panel data.

My research hypothesis is that trade (an outcome of favourable exchange rate) is a predictor of income inequality and in order to test this, I need to first analyse the determinants of trade openness after which I test its impact on income inequality in order to establish the nexus.

Using the Gini index as the measure of income inequality, and trade openness as the value of imports and exports over GDP, I formulate 2 equations:

First equation: trade = intercept + exchange rate + per capita income + u

Second equation: gini = tradehat + per capita income + education + u

So, is my 2nd equation appropriate, with:

1) tradehat as an explanatory variable?

2) the inclusion of "per capita income" as an explanatory variable in the second equation having used it in the first equation?

What questions/criticisms are likely to emanate from reviewers as regards using this approach? Suggestions and comments will be immensely appreciated.

Thank you.

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