For example: Acacia dealbata, Dichrostachys cinerea, Acacia melanoxylon, Genista monspessulana, among others. In these species no nodule induction is observed in the roots.
Dear Narciso Aguilera, The generality that all species of Fabaceae are nitrogen fixers is as you suggested not completely true. If the statement was a majority or most Fabaceae are nitrogen fixers it would be closer to the truth. Different Fabacae species and varieties vary significantly in their nitrogen fixing ability and this also depends on rhizobia strains, soil conditions and horticultural and agronomic practices.
Hi Narciso, strictly, the statement that all species of the Fabaceae family are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen is not ture, but it is correct if you state that almost all Fabaceae family are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Actually, you yourself gave the examples. Nodule is the indispensable structure for biological N-fixation (BNF). More impartantly, however, BNF does not always occur even if the nodule is present. BNF greatly depends on the edaphic conditions and the activity of nodule.
All the previous respondents gave the correct answer - not all Fabaceae have nitrogen fixing nodules, and while some species that can form nodules may fail to form them in the absence of the appropriate Rhizobia strain, or the nodules are inactive (lack a pink or purple interior) because of high temperature or it is the wrong strain for the host plant, other tree species never form N-fixing nodules.
No, all species of the family Fabaceae are not able to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
In subfamily Papilionoideae 99% of species are nitrogen fixing, while only 1% of species are non-nitrogen fixing. In subfamily Mimosoideae 86% of species are nitrogen fixing, while 14% of species are non-nitrogen fixing. However, in subfamily Caesalpinioideae only 8% of species are nitrogen fixing, while 92% species are non-nitrogen fixing.
Of course No, it's specific for a defined subfamily (Agreed with Dr Arvind Singh ). In a previous study, I've found that Gleditsia traiacanthos doesn't fix atmospheric nitrogen (No Rhizobia symbiosis were observed) and several authors confirmed thi results.