Normally qualitative studies use data collection methods like an interview, focused group discussion or so on. During the pandemic survey using Google forms or other survey, tools have become a very common practice among researchers.
Qualitative research derives it's strength from an ability to use multiple tools, including capturing facial expressions, what is being emphasized by the interviewee, etc. It derives strength from conversations, including requests for clarifications on statements that have not been understood by the researcher. In my view it is not possible to achieve this through Google forms. Google forms research are better dealt with quantitatively.
I think both the other respondents are making good points. Obviously something is lost in collecting data asynchronously via text but you can still obtain rich textual responses provided that your questions are well designed to probe the respondents and the respondents themselves are interested and engaged with your inquiry. Try to ask questions which don't have shallow answers and also ask for reasons why your respondents think the way they do.
By the way, there are many alternatives to Google forms. There may be some disadvantages with using this particular tool.
open-ended questions allow researchers to take a holistic and comprehensive look at the issues being studied because open-ended responses permit respondents to provide more options and opinions, giving the data more diversity than would be possible with a closed-question or forced
I think it depend on your research question. If you don't want participants to search for the answers, there may be reliability issues. If this is not the case, it is same with collecting data with open-ended questions in real time. But there may be a problem about the motivation of respondents. I created a survey including both likert scale questions and open-ended questions. Some of the participants stopped answering when they come to open-ended question.
Las pregunta. Abiertas aportan mucha información en las valoraciones cualitativas. Operó en la encuesta debe predominar las preguntas cerradas máximo tres preguntas abiertas porque pierde su esencia el cuestionario. Te recomiendo utilizar para recopilar datos cualitativos la entrevista en profundidad y la observación participante.
Yes it is acceptable because we need to move away from the monotonous likert scale system of data collection which most online surveys consider yet it does not bring out a deeper understanding of the subject of study, and more so does not give respondents a chance to explain their points. No wonder some of the participants dropped out because it has always been likert scale and Yes & No culture which we need to phase out given that the world is moving away from physical methods to virtual methods.
Thank you all for the valuable input Dr/Prof Munazza Obaid Scovia Mbabazi Raidy Teddy Rojas Angel Bello Meltem Irmak Jean-Pierre Jost, Kamaraju, Peter Samuels, David Morgan, Joseph Kiokorir
Surveys in Google forms can be a very good alternative as a tool for collecting information in qualitative research, which is added to other traditional techniques, especially in this period of pandemic and quarantine. Even to investigate the very effects of these problems. It will be much better if it is part of other qualitative information collection tools. It will also be important that the open questions point to answers that must be answered with an open response: opinions, experiences, others.