Harmonia axyridis is an invasive species in the USA and Europe, and is spreading rapidly. It is considered a pest, or at least a nuisance in the invaded areas because of several factors: they invade houses in winter, damage certain crops (e.g. grapes in wine-producing areas) and have a negative effect on the native fauna in the invaded areas. Lots of research is dedicated to the question of what makes this species such a successful invader, but I have much more trouble finding information concerning its status in the areas of origin. Is it considered a pest in East Asia? Does it cause economic damage there? Does it invade houses with thousands at a time, like in some invaded areas? Is it a top-predator in its guild, or are there other species that are similarly abundant and/or voracious? This comparison is relevant to the explanation of its invasive success. One possibility is that due to selection, non-random sampling or hybridization, the invasive Harmonia's are actually doing better than those in the areas of origin, which may contribute to their invasive success (compare, for example, the african "killer-bee"). Does anyone, especially from East Asia (most notably China or Japan), have any ideas about the extent of problems that Harmonia causes in their native region?Of course you are also very welcome to respond if you are not in East Asia, but have information on this topic ;-)

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