At present, in Cuba, the study of GIS in elementary education is not included. Of course, it is included in several university specialties, for example, in our Department of Geosciences in the CUJAE. It really is a very useful tool during the processing and interpretation of geophysical information. What is the experience in Poland?
GIS is not part of the education teaching program of secondary school system in Albania. It is a powerful instrument in processing and analyzing various types of information that allows in making diagnosis and prognosis of natural, social and economical environments and therefore it should be promoted much earlier in the education system.
Thank you very much for the information. In Poland there have been no recommendations for using GIS in school education. In the new curriculum of geography teaching (2017), GIS elements as a source of information already exist.
For adding to the answers, i recommand the last number of " Carte & géomatique", un enseignement renouvellé , number 231, mars-june 2017, review of the French cartography committee; I'm sorry all the text is in french... I have participed to an article with C. ZANIN and L. JEGOU about teaching cartography and GIS in France in 2017.Some of your questions could find an answer.
At present according to my knowledge GIS is not dealt as a topic at school levels In India. GIS is of late introduced in colleges & in professional courses at Bachelor and Masters level.
To resume, in order with the topic answer of Mr Narasimha Prasad, in France we don't use GIS at primary school and we start to see the results with thematic cartographic at the college and more for Bachelor , especially for space analysing :
In superior studies (License and Master), the studies are more complex and appliqued, and for some of the license and master are specialised in GIS and geomatic (Environnement, Biology, Geography, History....)
In Brazil, we have very different types of high schools. Technological schools use more GIS than regular schools. In my case, as a Geography teacher in High School level I often use GIS in class. The students learn how to download shape-file from different sources and how to work with them in QGIS environment to make their own maps. I also, introduce them in the remote sense interpretation.
Although GIS now-a-days is being taught in most parts of the world starting from the high school/secondary school, but in Bangladesh, the scenario is very different. This course is being taught as a course in undergraduate level and in some cases to postgraduate level in the universities of Bangladesh. But the positive thing is that it is getting popular to the student community day by day. Students are using GIS as one of the research tools.
In Austria GIS is present at schools but depends on the level of education. It could definitely be more. There seems also to be not enough tools and learning material for teaching GIS.
Summary: in many countries GIS in school education is only partly used or not used. It is a pity. GIS allows pupils to use spatial data and to study spatial thinking.
In Palestine, GIS is introduced for Surveying and Geomatics Students, Geography Students and sometimes Civil and Architectural eng. students in the universities. starting from basic to advanced analysis and cartography by GIS.
In Spain, GIS are present at University level, not before. There's exceptions somewhere I guess. I am talking in general terms. In Spain, Education powers are also jurisdiction of the Autonomous Communities, and there are differences between communities. At University level, GIS is present mainly in: Geomatics, Geography, and Environmental Sciences. GIS is also present in: Geology, Marine Sciences, Forest Engineering, and others to a lesser extent.
In Spain, GIS does not form a part of any subject in the Secondary Education. It is not in the current plans of study and I do not believe that there exists either intention or interest in which the GIS are approached to this level.
If that is in use other technologies, such of the spatial information as Google Maps or Google Earth, though it is an option of the professorship, it does not specific matter of the subjects.
At first I want to say sorry for my late response. In Bangladesh, GIS is not present in education at school level. So that there is no scope of GIS use in education at school level at my country. For this conditions it is not noticeable in education teaching programs of geography in secondary schools. However, as a Geography student from my experience, I was read about GIS subject as part of practical at the undergraduate level and as a individual topic at the graduate level in my University.
In Bulgaria, GIS does not present in education at primary and high-school level, with the exception of few specialized high-schools. In 2005 there was a project that includes GIS education in the classroom on the national level, but it was not approved by the responsible authorities.
In India GIS is not included in school level syllabus. I want to ask Mr. Wojciech Pokojski , please tell me what is the use of learning GIS at school level? If I get satisfied then I will definitely do whatever I can towards this direction.
Thank you for the ansfer. GIS in school education allows pupils to use spatial data (we use it every day by our computers and phonees) and to study spatial thinking. See publications:
Article Web mapping Google applications in environmental education
Article Importance of digital spatial data in environmental education
Yes, In national curriculum of Indonesia for junior high school cover GIS, But it's content only introduction of GIS that focus on knowledge about GIS, such as concept of GIS, Data Spatial, Function GIS. Skills of GIS have been given yet as a student competence.
No, not yet as a content of national curriculum. But several school apply a certain GIS application, because the have resources of teachers and computers.