Assesment theory is a critical part of teaching (sone consider teaching and assesment go by hand). Still assesment theory bypassed as redundant and graphical. Big fault.
In physics, asssesmentbthrory would demand
• knowledge &conceptual differentiation qs
• skills i.e prediction snd calculation qs
• explsnation qs
• control qs i.e hiven y aparstus or set up, name act that would produce x
These dhould be covered 25-25-25-25% in proper assesment theory application
Instead, there is an 80% of second aspect snd a 10-10 for 1st and one other.
This is a tragedy for students eho asdociate physics with unformated , unpedahogical and inadequate learning wise tests.
The situation has improved in sevondary education in done countries due to acumulation of educational master degrees which educate them about the benefits and important of proper assesment