I am presently undertaking a study on markers of resistance to antimalarials in my locality. I want to exchange some ideas with any researcher who is presently doing or has done work on this. Thanks
As regards K13-propeller polymorphism, 20 or so publications concerning this have so far appeared in 2014 and 2015. Thus, there are a number of people who you could contact to exchange ideas.
Thanks, Which markers are these? Antimalarial polymorphic markers varied depending on the assays qPCR or Sequencing to routine genotyping. The ideas could help to guide better on what is/are best and how to proceed. Best wishes
I am having problems with some of my primers or protocol, I am unable to amplify using the various protocol obtained from some publications. I will send my PCR conditions and protocol to you for advice. Thanks
This is too expand matter to can answer in so totally manner. I suggest to study some more papers in this regards and then ask your questions exactly. I would help you.
A colleague of mine is currently doing some work on this topic. He is James Abugri and his email is [email protected]. He will be more than happy to help you out.