Dear colleagues,
Recently I anlayzed soil microbial C utilization pattern in two soils using BIOLOG Ecoplate. One soil is a climax forest soil in southern China with high substrate content (C, N, P etc) and soil microbial biomass and activity and a agricultural soil with relatively, and the other is a agricultural soil with relatively low substrate content and microbial biomass and activity. They were analyzed in the same procedure and the microplates have been incubated at 25 oC for 14 days. However, we found the results are very strange because AWCD of the foreset soil is very low (less than 0.3) while that of the agricultural soil is around 1.1. As I know, high AWCD indicates high microbial C utilization capacity but it seems wrong from our results. Is anybody familiar with the BIOLOG technique and could provide helps? Thank you very much.