I am teaching English as EFL and would like to carry on research in my field about language policy. Do you think that a mixed method will serve the purpose and needs of an action research?
Aziz - Action Research is a mixed methods/multi methods approach by it's nature. It doesn't use a single methodology/method to create multiple action cycles. This chapter may assist.
Hello! Aziz. It is interesting to learn that you want to do research in the domain of language policy. In my opinion, a mixed-method approach is often much more suited to action research. The reasons for this are exhaustive, I am mentioning a few below for your consideration:
1. A blend of quantitative and qualitative techniques helps to not only answer what but also why and how of the problem that you are studying.
2. It adds more perspectives to the answer to your research question.
3. The overall comprehensivity of the research increases.
4. If you intend to do it in a community of teachers, your methods of PLA can be a method of educating them at the same time when you intend to do your data collection.
Dear Aziz, I think it is good for you to conduct a study on mixed methodoloy. You will learn more and can get an opportunity to publish your articles in more than one dimention.
thank you very much. Your answers are very pertinent. I asked because I am a junior researcher, and I have been advised to avoid mixed method because it is quite complex for beginners.
Hello Aziz Moummou . You have a lot of support in the above answers. I have also used action research to great effect in my doctorate and workplace. If you are looking for some literature on this, the following may help:
Article Enlarging Internal Audit results with Action Research methodology
In my understanding that Action Research is not so much a method but rather a general approach of involving stakeholders in practical purpose oriented research; in your case language policy. How to involve the research participants in identifying the relevant research topic, conceptualizing the research and choosing the most suitable methods; that is methods that facilitate the ease of the stakeholders participation. As such it would indeed most likely utilized a mixed bag of methods.