Hi guys,
I raised a question when conducting the Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. So, I have two sets of data, and I'd like to compare their similarity in distribution. After I ran the K-S test, I got a P < 0.001, which reject the hypothesis and suggests two datasets are not similar in distribution (please see attached the figure). However, I also got a D = 0.121 from the result. As far as I know, when D close to 1, it indicates two datasets have different distributions, and when D close to 0, it indicates two datasets have similar distributions. When looking at this very low D value, does it mean the cumulative distributions between two datasets are actually similar? It seems controversial.
So, how should I interpret the result? And is it reasonable to use the D value to quantify the similarity between these two datasets?
Thanks in advance