Dear Value Researchers !!!

We have been developing a new generation of miniaturized , nano-electrochemical sensor, in which the working (WE) and counter (CE) electrodes are separated by sub 100 nm. We call it nanogap based electrochemical sensor).

However, we are facing a serious issue of making a good, integrated reference electrode (RE) on our chip.

Currently, we must use the external RE. This led to cumbersome microfluidics ( for housing this external RE), and also may degrade the sensitivity of the recorded signals ( as the distance from the inserted RE to WE and CE is in the mm range, and is probably too long (While the distance from WE to CE is sub 100 nm only).

Can anyone kindly recommend a good article for solving this issue: Integration of micro RE on electrochemical chip?

Especially, if you have deep experience on the issue, please offer your advice/services. We are willing to collaborate on this issue to make the complexed nano-electrochemical sensors.

Our several crucial questions need to be addressed are:

(1) Suitable process flow to make a good, integrated, miniaturized RE;

(2) Suitable size of Miniaturized RE for the nano WE and nano CE ( we think RE must be reduced in size as well because WE and CE is really small in size now);

(3) Optimal distance from the realized RE to nano WE and nano CE.

Advice/ commercial –scientific collaboration or consulting fee are all possible; please just let us know via direct contact.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

Hien D Tong

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