It is a product of applied voltage and reactive component of current i. e. V I Sinɸ. It is referred as watt-less power and is wasted as a heat in the windings
"Reactive power" is power where the current is out of phase with the voltage, and the "Volts x amps" doesn't do any real work. Current that charges a capacitor, for example or current that creates the magnetic field around a coil for another.
Well Hashem , as far as reactive goes it is function of the reactance (L/C) in the circuit (generators ) or transmission line including load. Reactive depends on frequency (AC lines) if we consider distributed components in transmission lines (physical dimensions such as length , cross-sectional area) we get varying values of L/C .
Based on theory of (RLCG) where L is in series and C is in parallel , we get phase variations due this reactance (between V & I) that is measurable .
Varying the cable gauge or characteristic impedance certainly will change the flow of reactive power (again measurable)