01 January 1970 0 6K Report

In the Solar System: Is the internal rotation of the planets influenced by the Sun?

During a year, the inner rotation of the Earth's core rotates once more than the rotation of the Earth's crust.

What secrets are there in the internal rotation of space objects?

Is their inner rotation real? no

What we observe is just the rotation of the shell on the core.

Based on my findings:

1- Critical state: every planet and every body undergoes a crisis in a periodic period and there is a difference between the rotation of the core and its shell.

This difference becomes very intense at times.

Venus, Mars, Uranus, Pluto and several planets are in crisis.

2- Non-critical: sometimes the difference between the core rotation and the shell rotation is greatly reduced to the point where the core and shell rotations are equal. Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune are non-critical.

According to the submitted file:

We assume that not all planets are at critical time: and that the internal rotation of core and shell is approximately equal.

On average, as the distance of planets and asteroids from the Sun increases, their internal rotation speed increases.

3- In non-critical conditions, I calculated the reason for the decrease in the internal rotation time of the planets with increasing distance, which I will present below.

I have discovered the causes and methods of these crises by careful calculations.

With classical and mathematical formulas: I calculated the internal rotation time of the planets core.

The greater the difference between the rotation time of the planets' core and the rotation time of the crust, the more the planet's crisis will be.

Important note: the more critical the planet, the friction between the core and the crust increases and the surface of the planet becomes burnt and hotter.

Among the planets, Venus is the most critical, followed by Pluto.

The surface of the planet Venus is hot and fiery for two important reasons. The first reason is the strong friction between the core and the shell.

I will tell the second reason in the next articles.

Based on my exact calculations:

The internal rotation speed of the core of the planets located in the Siavash region:

Exact speed, internal rotation of the core of the planet Venus = 30 hours.

The exact speed of internal rotation of Mars core is 15.7 hours.

The exact speed of internal rotation of Uranus core = 13.266 hours.

Exact speed, internal rotation of Pluto's core = 3.53 hours.

Exact speed, internal rotation of Haumea core = 2.5 hours.

Exact speed, internal rotation of the core: Makemake = 5.1 hours.

Exact speed, internal rotation of Eris core = 5.57 hours.

Is the internal rotation of the planets influenced by the sun? Yeah.

When I present this paper with all the calculations, the effect of the sun will be proven.

4-Important point: I named the critical area Siavash. Siavash is a Persian name.

I used Iranian names in all my discoveries.

For example: a small moon hits the surface of the earth for some reason and disappears. But it causes rocks to fall along with oxygen gas and water droplets on the ground. The moon is extinct. But it gives life to the earth.

I named that small moon Mahsa.

The story is long and I will tell it soon.

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