Salt seems high. High oxygen in well water seems unusual also. If fish are dying from well water, it may not be healthy for you and family. Suggest you buy bottled drinking water for now and get this tested asap. I have a water treatment system that treats the well water before use. Hopefully you can get free or low cost testing of well water used for drinking. Fish however can be very sensitive, but like the canary in a coal mine, an indicator that something is not right suggests follow up is needed.
Check ammonia, at pH nearing 8, the toxic form of ammonia begins to form (un-ionized NH3). Ammonia would be expected to form from decomp of organic N in fish wastes if not diluted out by flow thru system or filtered (e.g., common zeolite filters from aquarium stores). Most fish are sensitive to relatively low ammonia concentrations when pH and temperature increase. Ammonia toxicity also depends on species, life stage and exposure duration (juveniles are more sensitive).