In the mixed-variable heuristic optimization domain, what is done when a categorical variable determines the existence of continuous or ordered discrete variables in each possible solution?

To illustrate, imagine an optimization problem to determine the best tool to cut paper.

In this problem, a variable tool can have the values "knife" or "scissors".

  • If its value is "scissors", there's the continuous-valued blade_size variable.
  • If it's "knife", there is the same blade_size continuous variable and also a num_of_teeth discrete variable

How can I deal with this problems using some metaheuristic designed to hadle categorical, continuous and discrete ordered variables?

My first tought was to set the problem to the max possible dimensionality and, after choosing the value of the categorical variable, select (if commands) which other variables are going to be optimized and used to evaluate the solution.

This probably will work, but it seems naive to me. Do other more sophisticated methods to deal with this kind of problem exists? If yes, what are these methods?

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