07 October 2020 3 3K Report

I have 3 data sets and all three have 3 different prior information about the parameter 'theta'.

Data 1(D1): Prior1(theta) = Gaussian(mean =1e-5,variance=0.5e-5)

Data 2(D2): Prior2(theta) = Gaussian(mean =1.8e-5,variance=0.01e-5)

Data 1(D3): Prior3(theta) = Gaussian(mean =2e-5,variance=0.5e-5)

How to I calculate prior on theta from these 3 data set?

In my understanding, P(theta|D1,D2,D3) = P(theta|D1)*P(theta|D2)*P(theta|D3) , is there a normalization factor that I should include? Is that P(D1)*P(D2)*P(D3)? and how do I calculate that?

Thanks in advance.

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