From my experience, three variables are critical in Programme Evaluation among others.
1. Project impact: This will show project results. Based on the ''Theory of Change'', the baseline report would indicate what the situation was before the intervention and what positive results were achieved based on the set project objectives.
2. Value for money: This will evaluate the project funding in relation to the project activities and its achieved results.
3. Sustainability: This aspect of evaluation will focus on stakeholders' buy-in; their ownership of the project, participation in the project design process and developed framework for continuity after the project expiration.
From My experience PE will take care learning objectives of the programme which may affect the student outcomes too.
Always check the involvement of industry personals and other stack holders to give input for the undergraduate or graduate programmes according to market trend.
As a PE will do the below steps towards improving quality education in the region
TO investigate material provided from the university or institution.
To evaluate according to learning outcome of accreditation bodies.
To discuss improvement for education and development in a long term.
Thank you sir, Afaq Ahmad . I am not yet a doctor. As you requested that I should further explain project monitoring and evaluation process in relation to the identified relevant stakeholders; I wish to state that first, it depends on the nature of the project/programme. If it were to be development intervention that aimed to improve the socio-economic and political wellbeing of a target group, the evaluation process should start as follows:
1- Project stakeholders stratification: Stakeholders should be clustered thus-
*Project management and implementation team;
*Project primary beneficiaries [the basic group that the project aims to address their problem];
*Project secondary and tertiary beneficiaries/stakeholders [they include individuals, groups, institutions or government relevant ministries, departments and agencies –MDAs that supported or opposed the intervention.
2- Stakeholders cluster monitoring and evaluation process:
*Project management/implementation team- project monitoring starts at the commencement of the project with the implementers through monthly, quarterly and annual visits and reports sharing as documented, depending on the project timeline which is usually reviewed for evaluation at the end of the project. This includes implemented programme activities, monitoring and evaluation officer’s reports review, financial reports including audited financial report if available. There is need to use a developed template to benchmark the standard of the report for grading the evaluation. The template should contain columns for information on the project activities linkage/delivery to the project set objectives and expected outcomes. Then, study each activity, how fund was spent against its justification and expected result [value for money]. Each project officer’s line performance as well as team performance should be evaluated and graded.
*Project primary beneficiaries should be engaged, using various methodologies such as Interface/Interactive meeting/Dialogue, Key Informant Interview [KII], Structured and or Unstructured Questionnaire, Score Card, Evaluation/Appraisal Form , etc; to evaluate project impact. Making reference to the project baseline report, the response from the beneficiaries will indicate positive impact/change [Theory of Change, Project Impact and Value for Money will manifest at this level]. Information on beneficiaries’ experience, challenges, mitigation strategies, success stories, lessons learnt should be collected and documented. The beneficiaries will indicate their interest and strategies or otherwise for sustaining the change in future based on what they learnt after the project expiration.
*Project secondary and tertiary beneficiaries or stakeholders should also be engaged, using some of the above tools; looking at knowledge gained, level of support or against the project, expected results or changes in the design for future similar project [lesson learnt]. Both the formal sector and informal sector stakeholders should be separately engaged.
*Comprehensive Summary Template Design: This should be designed to capture all the information generated during the monitoring and evaluation engagement process with all the stakeholders’ stratification for descriptive summary analysis.
You have to take an overall view of the Program, communicate with all those involved in it, consider the objectives and goals to ensure whether they are achieved or not, have periodical external and internal evaluation, report on time to those concerned, be up and doing. Be realistic and optimistic