Here I refer to European understanding on Vocational Education, Vocational Training or Vocational Education and Training (VET). I use these as umbrella concepts that include both initial VET (for young people) as well continuing VET (for adults).
In the U.S., VET goes under other titles such as Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Workforce Education and Development (WED), so you may want to consider these also in doing any searches on RG.
I was primarily expecting information on international or European online forums (using English as working lanuage). But it is interesting to learn of Dutch website that plays such a role in the Netherlands. (Het Nederlands is geen probleem voor mij.) What would be similar forums or reference websites using French or Spanish as working language? (I take the point of UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum at global level and I do know the work of my former employer Cedefop.)