If, by "the scheme is stable", you mean "the discrete-time system x(k+1) = A*x(k) is asymptotically stable," then this will be equivalent to "the spectral radius of the matrix A is less than 1" because, for the asymptotical stability, we need the largest absolute value of the eigenvalues of A to be less than 1.
Please see the following paper, for more than one matrices switching:
Article Stability of a Set of Matrices with Applications to Automatic Control
If the spectral radius is less than 1, it is not true that the norm of the matrix is less than 1!. The relation between spectral radius and the matrix norm is as follows ρ(A) ≤ |||A|||, and we can prove that
ρ(A) ≤ (|||Ak|||)1/k as k goes to infinity.
So if ρ(A) ≤ 1, it is not necessary that |||A||| < 1!
But the converse is true.
If |||A||| < 1, then ρ(A) ≤ 1.
Ex: An upper triangular matrix with zero entries of the diagonal.
ρ(A) = 0 < 1, but |||A|| >1. ( for many non zero uper entries >1)
(1) Since the space Mn(R) of nxn real matrices is finite dimensional all norms on this space are equivalent.
(2) If || . || is a norm on Rn then we have an associated matrix norm || . ||’ by setting ||A||’= sup{||Ax||: ||x||=1}. Not all norms on Mn(R) are associated to some norm on Rn. For example the Frobenius norm is not an associated one.
(3) If || . ||’ is an associated norm on Mn(R) then ρ(A) ≤ ||A||’ and we do not have equality in general, however for every matrix A and every 0
Dear Dr. Omran Kouba , Thank you very much for help. I would appreciate if you could add some insights for the forllowing problem,
Suppose I have a matrix A=[0.4 0.8; 0 0.7]. Then 0.7=ρ(A)1, 1.2 and 1.5 respectively, to be precise. May I conclude the iterative scheme x_k=Ax_{k-1} will be stable.
For discrete time systems stability depends on the magnitude of the eigenvalues of A , not the sign of the real part. Eigenvalues inside the unit circle = stability.
We are familiar with the first and second lyapunov approach and some analog methods such as the hurwitz criteria to guarantee the dynamical system stability of the equilibrium states. All based on the sign analysis of the eigenvalues and not their magnitude!
Anyway, I appreciate if you mention some references that discuss and define this type of stability.