I am a researcher of Soil science department. 5 months ago I had planted wheat for my research. The research design was split plot design. it has 3 replications, each replication has 2 main plot treatment: Farm yard manure @20t/ha and Biochar @ 20t/ha, and each main plot had 5 treatments:

T1: no N fertilizer,

T2: 100% recommended dose of Prilled urea

T3: 50% recommended dose of Prilled urea

T4: 100% recommended dose of Neem coated urea

T5: 50% recommended dose of Neem Coated Urea

after harvesting of wheat crops, there were wheat crop stubbles left 20 cm above the ground level. The wheat crop residues were not removed and incorporated in the soil after harvesting in April 12. Now in April 20 I had planted Mungbean in the same research trial, and no external fertilizers are used and is grown under residual nutrients of previous planting. The temperature here is 40 degree celcius during sowing of mungbean. I had been thinking to use mungbean as a green manure to increase soil fertility and ground cover in irrigated condition. analysing this prepare suitable research topics that best suits for my research trial.

now after 10 days of sowing there is not enough seedling emergence and i have few seeds remaining that cannot cover all research plots homogenously. i have to take data of biomass of 1m2 from each plot and my re,aining seeds can cover 1m2 area only of each plot out of 12 m2. can i sow seedds to 1 m2 only for the plots that havenot germinated enough seedlings.

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