I am not sure what you mean by a LM elevation map, but here is my proceedure or down loading a binary flat flle from the USGS web site to get a one degree by one degree map. For a specific example
Here I downloaded the map based on 1 arc sec. of resolution. In addition to the “.flt” and “.hdr” files, the picture file “jpg” file is useful. The picture file can be used to verify one has appropriately got the elevation map correct. The :.hdr” file contains the following information:
ncols 3612
nrows 3612
xllcorner -81.00166666667
yllcorner 38.99833333333
cellsize 0.000277777777778
NODATA_value -9999
byteorder LSBFIRST
The longitude and latitude of the lower left hand corner of the 1deg. by 1 deg. elevation map are given by xllcorner and yllcorner, respectively. Now set a variable Lon0=xllcorner and construct a vector for the longitude for n=1:ncols;lonvec(n)=Lon0+cellsize*(n-1);end The vector for the longitudes is straight forward, not so for the latitude vector. The data are indexed starting in the upper left-hand corner; whereas our lat-lon are indexed in the lower left-hand corner. This means to define our latitude vector in reverse order. Set a variable Lat0=yllcorner and construct a vector for the latitude for n=1:nrows;latvecinv(n)=Lat0+cellsize*nrows-cellsize*(n-1);end
Now read in the flat file for the elevations
fid=fopen(‘****.flt’,’r’) e
This should put the elevation map in the form elev(long,lat); however, we want x-axis to be pointing North, thus
elev=permute(elev,[2 1]);
This gives our elevation map in the form elev(lat,long). If we want to view our elevation map using MATLAB imagesc we need to understand that the normal way MATLAB indexes the array is like a matrix; i.e., (1,1) is in the upper left hand corner. However, we want to index our image starting in the lower left-hand corner. This is accomplished by using the call axis xy. Our call to imagesc is: imagesc(lonvec,latvecinv,elev);colorbar;axis xy;
To see if one has the map correct, compare to the jpg picture of the map given in the download.