The purpose of this project is remind all who articulate, hold conferences, write about development in national, regional and international organizations that development cannot happen if it is not happening at community levels. For too long we have been treating with macro-level issues with respect to economics, politics, trade, investments and people in communities do not benefit and therefore remain far removed struggling and /or making ends meet. The use of subsidies, transfers, safety nets continues to perpetuate dependency among citizens aggrravet by the realities of a range of different types of inequalities and the rhetoric of independence and sovereignity of states. We must remember that a chain is as strong as its weakest link and if communities are not being developed and the opportunity structure is not being expanded at community level then development will never be a reality at any other level. for such residents. To that end, As a result, I have utilized a broader conceptualization of development to develop a fairer measure of development that goes beyond GDP and HDI.