I guess you should start participating in research projects. look for multidisciplinary projects. Then start doctoral studies where you will develop researcher skills.
Estimado Jorge, primeramente te recomiendo establecer un Plan de desarrollo personal y crecimiento profesional, primero es adquirir las competencias para ser un investigador senior y existen los semilleros de investigación paralelo a ello debes inscribirte en programas de ayudantes de investigadores donde aprendes mientras apoyas procesos de investigaciones, existen muchos programas de pasantías en universidades prestigiosas, luego inicias hacer investigaciones en tu país sobre tu especialidad, paralelo debes inscribirte eun al menos tres congresos al año donde recibe información fresca de investigadores expertos y vas viendo de manera holística uno o varios temas donde te vas a especializar, posterior, debes ingresar a un programa de doctorado con alto componente de investigación de tal forma que mejoras tu experticio en competencias investigativas.
te recomiendo literatura especializada como:
la formacion del espiritu cientifico de Gaston BAchelard
la aventura del trabajo intelectual, armando zubizarreta.
Engaging with your professors is one way to get involved in research during your master's degree. First of all, you need to show that you are a motivated and engaged student in their classes.Get to know your professors; ask them questions; find out their research interests and see which ones interest you. Approach them and ask what research opportunities exist. Faculty members may need help doing literature reviews, or if you have good statistical analysis skills, there may be opportunities to help with data analysis.
Carefully think about your goals and objectives. Why do you want to be involved in research? What time can you commit to a project? How can your knowledge and skills help in a professors research project? Thinking about these questions before meeting with a professor will help prepare you to impress the professor that you are serious about your involvement.
Most of all, if you commit to helping with a project be sure to fulfill the tasks you have taken on.