You can contact the editors of some nano materials Journals (eg, nano letters, ACS Nano, Nature Materials, JACS, Chemical Materials, EES...). Good luck.
You can also try adding different laboratories to your LinkedIn network (you may want to create an account on that if you don't have one already) and try to get in touch with them. You can also follow them to receive updates.
I suggest that you prepair a relatively detailed document about the problem you are currently handling with references would be better, then you join a work that you have done or results your have recently published or at least have communicated or participated with in any conference, this is important, these information that you provide with a strightforward request of research stay in a quick and simple message to the head of a laboratory or research center, this way you can find what you are looking for, in articles that you use in your topic you can find people and addresses that suit you, don't be shy and don't hesitate good luck