Suggestions can come from any aspect of Information Ethics. I want to explore factors that make professionals in academic libraries practice Information Ethics.
Consider your thesis/problem statement, objectives and the solution you proposed. Then write down a few titles by keeping in mind these aspects, then pick one and refine it.
You have provided very little details, therefore, suggesting one could be very limited and will not properly represent the work.
Specific practices in academic libraries could include copyright/ intellectual property protections, access to information, censorship, confidentiality, reliability, and providing quality information, just to name a few.
There may also be overlap with Computer Ethics or Media Ethics. However, if looking for what MAKES an individual adhere to specific ethical practices - that sounds more like you are looking for motivational factors. Those could be internal or external (adherence to professional codes of conduct for example).
I look forward to learning more about your research!
Constructing a title for research should take cognizant of the following: Is the study inductive or deductive? Inductive study have title different from deductive. For instance, title in deductive study may include words related to measurement such as: relationships, evaluation, comparisons, and influence. In contrast, inductive study attempt to uncover phenomenon and should never have words that portray quantifcation, comparism, or evaluation.
I hope this information helps, and good luck as you make progress in your studies!
Thank you all for your contributions so far. I started working on this area of research when I did my master's thesis. The title I worked on that time was ''PERCEPTION AND PRACTICE OF INFORMATION ETHICS BY LIBRARIANS IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS IN OYO STATE, NIGERIA'' in that study, I explore issues like copyright/ intellectual property protections, access to information, and confidentiality. I explore through the study, the perceptions of librarians towards ethical issues and how they practice it. The result shown that the perception was high but practice was low. Now, I want to broaden the horizon of this study to see other variables that can be tested.
The title should be short and reflect the content of the thesis faithfully. Fancy title should be avoided. Books on thesis writing provide details as to how you should title your thesis.
Bearing all the comments in mind, perhaps you could recast your topic ; work along the lines of "the role of information ethics on academics libraries"?
The application of information ethics is determined by the issue of objectivity and reliability of information activities. Objectivity and reliability of information activities determine the quality and value of information.
I hope that by now you found the title, and you started your dissertation. A title for the dissertation that I could provide goes like this:" Information ethics among professionals in academic libraries".