What exactly is your question? Do you mean you want to investigsate what it takes to lead towards or develop a safety culture, or are you looking at waht leadership style or approach a leader must take to demonstrate "safety leadership".
You can search a large literature on safety culture for some clues.
Leadership styles ( Transformational , Transactional leadership styles) influence safety behaviour (Participation, Compliance) moderated by Management commitment. How these leadership influence safety behaviour and the outcome is injury reduction?
Ok - Your research desogn will be criticaly important. You will need to be clear about how you will define and measure variables such as 'managmeent commitment', 'safety behaviour' (of whom? followers/rmployees or leaders' safety behaviour) , and 'injury reduction'. Some of these issues and outcomes do not occur simultaneously, so you will need to think about when you measre injury reduction for example.
Safety behaviour, employees will be measured and the 2 leadership styles ( Transformational and Transactional) influence the safety behaviou(compliance, particpation) r and Managers and safety leaders committment t o influence safety behaviour.(compliance, participation)