I have questions regarding your synthesis of homeopathic "medications" and their "chemical analysis":
1. How you have detected, validated and standardized an analytical protocol towards chemical content with a quantity of the active ingredient according the so-called C-scale with a dilution with factor 10E60 of one part of the starting solution (for 30C)?
For example, if we have an active ingredient paracetamol (MW = 151.016, density = 1.29 g.cm-1 and solubility in water 14g.L-1, 20oC), then we operate with concentration of the analyte 0.014 g in 1L. If we have taken 1 mL, and this quantity is diluted with factor 100, this means that the concentration for 1C should be 1.4.10-4; for 2C = 1.4.10-6...15C = 1.4.10-32...(This is according the so-called "chemical synthetic" protocol for homeopathic)
2. How you have accounted for matrix effect (according to the analytical instrumental methods for validation), in the case when in addition to the "active ingredients" in the shown above concentration ranges, there is a carbohydrate matrix?
3. What is the recovery and reproducibility of your measurements and which method for standardization you have used? Because of the general conception of the homeopathy is that with "increasing" in the dilution scale and “increasing” in their "efficacious" effect occurs. Or this question is associated with reproducibility and recovery within concentration ranges 10E-48 to 10E-60 g.L-1.
4. Which are the boundaries of the standard deviations of your/these measurements?
5. Which instrumental methods and techniques you have used for the validation of the quantitative protocol? Any sample pretrietments? Which ones?
6. How the standards in point 3 are prepared; and how are taken the solutions within the shown above concentration ranges of the analytes? Are the relationships concentration versus analytical signal linear? By which instrumental method they are liner; and within the frame of which concentration range they are linear?
7. How much is the concentration detection limit of the method validation? And how much is the instrumental detection limit by which you have quantified these trace products ("medications")?.
Dear Miss Avanova, thank you for your long response. I do not have much knowledge with farmecy. I will like to study your questions. These questions and comments are much interesting to me. Another thing homoeopathy have its self logical base and have it has a systematic method and its different from aloeopathy. I will try to study on your questions. Thank you for the kind massage.