10 October 2013 4 572 Report

I am reading a paper by Gracia-Sierra et al. (2011) and in their method section they report U = 0, p < .0001, following a median split of an unevenly distributed sample to create two independent groups from 3, Group 1 (M = 11200, SD = 5056); Group 2 (M = 38,562, SD = 32,566) (p. 549). I have also run some mock data with random values between the range reported for the initial three groups and got U = 0, p < .0001, following median split. I have a read around a little and I am unsure why I get the result I got given that the distribution of samples is so obviously different. I have always taken MWU to mean U > 0 = difference. Is there something in my theoretical understanding that I am missing? Can anyone shed some light?

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