I am looking for papers or books where weights from AHP method was used to TOPSIS method? The main research area is related to spatial planning, environment, location of various activities.
An interesting approach to for ranking of alternatives with fuzzy data for group decision making using the TOPSIS method presents article "Fuzzy topsis method for group decision making" which was written by @Dariusz Kacprzak (DOI: 10.22367 / mcdm.2018.13.07)
[1] Önüt, S., & Soner, S. (2008). Transshipment site selection using the AHP and TOPSIS approaches under fuzzy environment. Waste Management, 28(9), 1552-1559.
[2] Prakash, C., & Barua, M. K. (2015). Integration of AHP-TOPSIS method for prioritizing the solutions of reverse logistics adoption to overcome its barriers under fuzzy environment. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37, 599-615.
Indicator weight generation is a distinct step from the TOPSIS technique, which is done by various techniques such as AHP. For the AHP technique, see Professor Saaty's book.
Decision Making for Leaders: The Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World, New Edition 2001 (Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, Vol. 2)
Yes Mr. Feltynowski, It is an interesting query regarding 'multi-criteria decision making' which approaches to calculated weights from AHP method and was used to TOPSIS method. Let me know one thing that these two are different technique, AHP use to prioritize and to calculate weight for specific purpose. But TOPSIS is used for ideal solution based on co-efficient of closeness (CCi). Therefore, based on similar decision criteria, AHP is used to derive weight and TOPSIS is used to chose the relevant weight for ideal solution.
You can follow the below link:
1. Article A group AHP-TOPSIS framework for human spaceflight mission p...
2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7479937
3. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7479937
4. Article Performance evaluation of Turkish cement firms with fuzzy an...