hello Frank Perez,... unfortunately I have not been following the material just like what you mean because of different field of mine. have a nice day, there......
Good morning - Here's a link to a recent judgment in the Netherlands (June 24 2015) where the court found that the State must do more to protect its citizens against the risks that accompany climate change.
Cases related to China can be found in some of the chapters of this book. These chapters also cite supplementary literature and case law which might be relevant for your research question:
Paolo Davide Farah, Elena Cima (editors), CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON NON-TRADE CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW, Global Law and Sustainable Development Book Series, Routledge Publishing (London/New-York), ISBN 978-1-4094-4848-8, September 2016, pp. 1 – 584.
Case laws from various jurisdiction have been considered and cited in this attached paper. You may also find some relevant ones in this 'Pacific Human Rights Law Digest , Volume Four accessible from this link below :