HIQ is the best name for it, composed out of HI and IQ. "HI" means "I am laughing" in the language of hams (radio amateurs) that I acquired 63 years ago. And IQ (for "I quit") stands for where people start non-answering further questions posed to them by psychologists.

But to be serious: The brightest man in the history of science, Fritz Zwicky 1929, proved that there was no Big Bang and no cosmic expansion. But even though he later-on was proven to in this way have first discovered the new fundamental-physics discipline of Cryodynamics, sister of deterministic Thermodynamics, no scientist on earth is currently ready to support his name in the context of cosmology.

This would not matter very much apart from letting the Nobel committee look a bit old, had his result not simultaneously proven true the fact that CERN's famous LHC experiment is betting earth against reason for 12 years in a row. As CERN itself leaves loudly undenied, by the way, since its latest planetary safety report LSAG from early 2008 carries no date. I called this fact CERNGATE but no one appears to get the point.

But fraud is, of course, infinitely more harmless than a collective inability to understand. Right?

Feb. 20, 2020

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