I meat database of indivdual people, their individual brain area sizes (different people have different brain area sizes, e.g., sizes of frontal specific areas) and their psychological traits, I meant data, not general textbook.
Magnetic resonance imaging and head circumference study of brain size in autism: birth through age 2 years.
Hazlett HC1, Poe M, Gerig G, Smith RG, Provenzale J, Ross A, Gilmore J, Piven J.
When is the brain enlarged in autism? A meta-analysis of all brain size reports.
Redcay E1, Courchesne E.
Brain development in autism: early overgrowth followed by premature arrest of growth.
Courchesne E1
Brain overgrowth in autism during a critical time in development: implications for frontal pyramidal neuron and interneuron development and connectivity.
Courchesne E1, Pierce K.
I Hope this all article will help you.
The Paper by Courchesan et al, talks briefly regarding the ASD.
According to the new criteria DSM V its called as ASD.