Dialogical education give children the opportunity to discover, to be critical, to interrogate, to be inquisitive where as banking education is one where children become the passive recipients of some forms of knowledge. Many of us at the university are well placed to know this. Some of us complain that a large majority of our students come to university without having developed a critical mind in anyway whatsoever and often pursue the rote learning that they have been used to at primary and secondary school. A lot of time has to be spent deconstructing what they have learnt so as to attempt making them develop some critical thinking. Since efforts are currently being deployed to make Mauritian education become world class education, Let us find ways and means of removing our children from the shackles of an unfair competition and an educational space that stifles the mind. Let us spare our children from the symbolic and psychological violence that an excessively competitive mode imposes.

The implementation of Nine Years schooling in the Educational Sector.

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