One of the most challenging aspects of developing the previous version of ForTrilinos was devising a reference-counting scheme to ensure safe type finalization in Fortran and corresponding object destruction in C++. It's interesting to see that the SWIG-generated file forepetra.f90 on the new develop branch contains an Epetra_Object derived type with a type(c_ptr) component. Will that component become associated with the C++ object that the Fortran object shadows? Given that there's no final subroutine on the type, is there a strategy to avoid memory leaks and dangling pointers? How will the C++ code get notified when the Fortran object goes out of scope so that C++ knows its safe to destroy the object? How will the Fortran code get notified if C++ destroys the object?
What will happen with an expression such as
type(Epetra_Object) :: a,b,c
a = f(b) + g(c)
where f and g are functions that have Epetra_Object results containing c_ptr components that presumably are associated with C++ objects that were instantiated at the direction of Fortran inside each function. After the above assignment completes, the Fortran code no longer has a name associated with the two function results so the Fortran program has no way to direct C++ to destroy the corresponding C++ objects.