As an example, if we add the individual impact points of the institution member, we get a different number which is greater than the total impact point of the institution. In Rg score of the institution, its the total number of the individual member RG scores (it seem that the total RG scores are not updated since about two months i don't know why?!)
As an example, if we add the individual impact points of the institution member, we get a different number which is greater than the total impact point of the institution. In Rg score of the institution, its the total number of the individual member RG scores (it seem that the total RG scores are not updated since about two months i don't know why?!)
Thank you very much Mukhlis Ismail , but Research gate provide us the total impact point . Impact point of an individual research gate member is the sum of the impact factors of all journals that an author may publish articles and there is a total impact point of an institution which is shown in the attached file: total impact points
Dear @Abdulghefar, Research Gate provides total RG score and Total Impact Points for Institution! What could you conclude from this page about ranking of my institution and myself? I think it is not correct!
Its a very strange thing!! your Rg score is greater than that of your institution, I myself didn't see a similar (may be mistake!!) in my institution but , I am sure that total Rg score was not updated since two or three months ago, if you face this problem recently (say in about these two months) , I think the problem is related to not updating the data base of the research gate, but if its elder, I don't have any information about the case.
This is indeed a curious problem. Our institutional impact is approximately 25% of its members' impact. I suspect that this is either due to computational limitations of RG or publication attributions to various other institution(s) because of our co-authors who are not from my institution. Because the process is somewhat proprietary, I can't really comment beyond what I can observe in real time.
I think that total impact point of institution is calculated from either Scopus or Thomson routers websites database according to the affiliation provided by the author and not simply the summation of the impact points of the institution members , this is just an idea...