Researching DoM is about exploring how a group of people is socially marginalized and what are the main social mechanisms of such a process. In this section, I attempt to develop a preliminary definition of ‘social marginalization’ as a socio-anthropological concept as well as a general research and debate framework that needs to be adapted and contextualized depending on the social context of the study.


Social Marginalization happens when a group of people are relatively deprived of having equal and adequate opportunity to determine their relationships autonomously ( in any aspect of social life) with the members of the broader society.

  • This process is historical, can be inter- and/or intra- group.
  • Social marginalization has both subjective and objective dimensions.
  • The mechanisms that facilitate and maintain marginalization are both ideational and material.
  • Social marginalization is usually legitimized ideologically, culturally, and cognitively. Both the marginalized and mainstream may share the same mentalities that justify such a process.
  • Social marginalization is usually sustained through policies and laws; underlying these laws are ideological mentalities often justified in the name of science, bureaucracy, efficiency, growth, ethics, patriotism, and religion.
  • Marginalization is usually associated with the lack of: 1.    representation in decision-making processes 2.    recognition of rights and responsibilities 3.    equal redistribution of resources and services

    Studies of social inequality mostly provide us with rather static pictures of society in terms of the distribution of income, wealth, social opportunities. They pay less attention to the dynamics of social inequality

    In contrast, studies of social marginalization open up a new angle in understanding how social inequalities and exclusions happen and evolve. These studies are expected to be theoretically integrative, multi-method, and cross-disciplinary regarding the multidimensionality of social marginalization.

    (c) S A Hamed Hosseini, 2009

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