Hi everyone!
I'm working on a problem with Video Classification.
I have an algorithm to extract feature vectors of sequencies of 40 frames extracted from 4 different video classes.
I'm using AlexNet to extract these features from these frames and as output from 'fc7' layer, i have a 40x4096 matrix, where each row refers to features of one frame (one frame per row), so i'm passing one frame at time through the AlexNet.
So i need to classify videos between these 4 different classes. I will preprocess a new video to limit its number of frames and then extract features from this video to classify it.
I need to know how to store these extracted features in order to train a classifier and classify the new 40-frames video.
So i have a 40x4096 matrix of features extracted with the "activations()" function of MATLAB from one video, but this matrix don't have any information about my class label.
I have to convert each matrix in a vector of information and use it as a vector of characteristics to train and to be classified by a SVM, for example? (or any other classifier)
A Support Vector Machine can be used to classify videos like in my problem or should i have to choose another classifier?
I'm in the right way, extracting 40 frames per video, extracting features from each 40 frame and obtaining a 40x4096 matrix?
I need insights!
Thanks for the support!