GROMACS version: gmx, version 2018.1

GROMACS modification: No

Here post your question

Dear all, I am trying to simulate an revere micellar system, using GROMACS. I used CHARMM ff. During Mdrun, in NVT, the jobis getting terminated by following error:

Step 58549, time 58.549 (ps) LINCS WARNING

relative constraint deviation after LINCS:

rms 3.250535, max 436.089630 (between atoms 4457 and 4453)

bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:

atom 1 atom 2 angle previous, current, constraint length

4454 4453 76.8 0.1339 1.6622 0.1337

4453 4458 99.5 0.1295 0.6384 0.1337

4458 4463 46.1 0.1495 0.3319 0.1483

4463 4464 57.4 0.1094 0.1917 0.1100

4463 4465 67.4 0.1097 0.2224 0.1100

4463 4466 62.1 0.1524 0.2952 0.1530

4466 4467 33.3 0.1102 0.1205 0.1100

4466 4468 37.8 0.1101 0.1303 0.1100

4466 4469 30.3 0.1533 0.1719 0.1530

4456 4452 90.1 0.1506 0.6091 0.1080

4452 4458 92.5 0.1394 0.6490 0.1370

4459 4454 83.9 0.1464 1.3864 0.1470

4452 4451 91.5 0.1358 1.8022 0.1370

4454 4451 85.3 0.1408 1.6710 0.1370

4455 4451 89.4 0.2011 1.9289 0.1080

4460 4459 114.7 0.1097 0.2535 0.1090

4461 4459 100.3 0.1097 0.3348 0.1090

4462 4459 86.9 0.1101 0.3523 0.1090

Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates

Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates


Program: gmx mdrun, version 2018.1

Source file: src/gromacs/ewald/pme-redistribute.cpp (line 282)

MPI rank: 6 (out of 8)

Fatal error:

1 particles communicated to PME rank 6 are more than 2/3 times the cut-off out

of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in dimension x.

This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.

For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS

website at


I minimized the system three times with different different forces (though the F max was E3, while I set it to 10). I have also used Berendsen thermostat during the NVT simulation. So, what may be the possible reasons and how can I solve it? As I read earlier replies, the primary reasons for such errors are mentioned to the geometry problem. I uploaded the parameter file here.


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