I am using Gaussian 09 to calculate molecular charges. However, I encoutered an error which I never met before. It would really nice if someone can help me out. Thanks a lot!
I am using qsub job submitting system. The system error message is as following:
--------------------------------------------- System error information ---------------------------------------------------------------
Problem with file /home/software/gaussian/g09/l1.exe omode 33261 compare 7.
Error: segmentation violation
rax 0000000000000000, rbx 0000000000000203, rcx ffffffffffffffff
rdx 0000000000002767, rsp 00007fffb1aec208, rbp 00007fffb1af2f75
rsi 000000000000000b, rdi 0000000000002767, r8 00002b18c422b160
r9 0000000000000000, r10 00007fffb1aebf90, r11 0000000000000202
r12 00007fffb1af2f90, r13 00007fffb1af2690, r14 00007fffb1af2f90
r15 00007fffb1af0380
--- traceback not available
-------------------------------------------- System error information ----------------------------------------------------------------
Gaussian Output is :
-------------------------------------- Gaussian output error information --------------------------------------
Entering Gaussian System, Link 0=/home/software/gaussian/g09/g09
Files in the Gaussian directory are world accessible.
This must be fixed.
-------------------------------------- Gaussian output error information --------------------------------------
Gaussian Input file is:
-------------------------------------- Gaussian input file --------------------------------------
#P AM1/STO-3G pop=chelpg scf=(direct)
L0617 Gaussian AM1
-10 1
H 1 B1
C 1 B2 2 A2
H 3 B3 1 A3 2 D3
-------------------------------------- Gaussian input file --------------------------------------
Job submitting script is:
-------------------------------------- job submitting script --------------------------------------
#$ -pe mpi 32 #no. of processors going to using, can assign up to 128
#$ -N LAM1 #job name
#$ -cwd #change to working directory
#$ -e output2.err #specify file name for standard error
#$ -o output2.out #specify file name for standard output
# setting up Guassian environment
export g09root=/home/software/gaussian
# $HOME/tmp folder already been changed by chmod -R 777 $HOME/tmp
source $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.profile
export MACHINEFILE=$TMPDIR/machines
$g09root/g09/g09 < ${filename}.com > ${filename}.out
-------------------------------------- job submitting script --------------------------------------