While I'm performing VS with autodock-PyRx I am experiencing error:

I'm sorry; I can't find or open "..\..\..\Ligands\ZINC00008739.pdbqt#"

C:\Program Files (x86)\MGLTools-1.5.6\autodock4.exe: FATAL ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\MGLTools-1.5.6\autodock4.exe: I'm sorry; I can't find or open "..\..\..\Ligands\ZINC00008739.pdbqt#"

The DPF file looks like this: move ..\..\..\Ligands\ZINC00008739.pdbqt# small molecule

The cause is too long ligand path. I shortend it but it did not help. It is general problem and it refers to all files that are generated during the screening

How can I solve this problem?

I would appreciate any hints

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