Hello, I am trying to analyze the convection heat transfer condition within an air cavity.
I noticed that in APDL, it can use element SURF151 (a surface element) to provide an extra node for the calculation of convection and radiation.
One purpose of the extra node is to help calculate out the bulk temperature which requires "the temperature of extra node" and "the temperature of TEMVEL".
TEMVEL value requires the information of another element ''FLUID116'', and the input parameter page can be seen below (Picture1).
In my case, there is an air cavity where it has a top heating padding and a bottom cooling padding. And I think for this case, the internal air is stationary, so there is no fluid motion. Am I correct? If it is under this assumption, there will be no fluid velocity?
I also attached the element SURF151 input parameters as attachment Picture2, and most of the parameters can be found. I am not for sure about the angular and absolute velocity value, but if the assumption is the internal air is still, both of the values should be 0? Am I correct?
Hope someone can help me solve these problems! Appreciate! :)