13 September 2019 1 5K Report

I am a newbie to FMU co-simulation technique, and got a few questions when trying to run my first model in Scilab/Xcos-SimulationX environment.

In my understanding, the basic requirements for a FMU model are, a *.fmu file that is zipped from a *.xml (model description) and a *.dll (dynamic library link), SimulationX solver, and a master algorithm--*.sce file in Scilab. I have embedded the fmu_wrapper_0.6 successfully in my Scilab, and ran a springdamper model (example) either successfully.

Thereafter, I built a heatsink model in SimulationX, and edited its *.xml file and *.sce file according to the model property. However, I copied the *.dll file from the example, and did not edit at all. Then, I zipped the *.xml and *.dll to make the *.fmu. When I ran the *.sce file in Scilab, the *.fmu could be imported, but the instantiation of slave failed:

--> exec('C:\Users\b_han\Desktop\Scilab\TrainingMaterial\SX_HeatSink\FMU_model\main.sce', -1)

関数の 31 行目 fmiInstantiateSlave

実行されたファイルの 2 行目 C:\Users\b_han\Desktop\Scilab\TrainingMaterial\SX_HeatSink\FMU_model\main.sce

fmiInstantiateSlave: myModel model instantiation failed.

Is there anyone who can give me advices about this error? Any comments are much appreciated! By the way, do I need to edit the *.dll file? What kind of problem(s) may cause failure on model instantiation?

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