I'm using Matlab in my research work to simulate Mac, Routing and Mobility protocols for MANETs. I want to choice a simulator for MANETs that can work under Windows. Any recommendations?
I wouldn't recommend you to use MATLAB for MANETs, since "to the best of my know", MATLAB doesn't have any toolbox for communication networks, yet.
However, there are other alternatives such as ns-2, ns-3 and Omnet++ (All being free & open source simulators). If you are to work with ns-2/ns-3 on Windows, then you could use a a linux emulator by the name of "Cygwin", but frankly i would never recommned anyone to work on Windows while using ns-2/ns-3. It provides very poor resources management which is typical of Windows. Go for Linux and enjoy its power and performance.
Other commercial simulators supporting MANETs include QualNet & Opnet.
I actually just got 6 or more sensor nodes in a wireless network using RF band switching frequency and the proper working together I'm sure the network.
It would be better if the software GUI programming because it takes time to learn a language that I do not. At least it's free, and you could have a lot of training database