I have state level agriculture gdp for India, however, I wish to compute district level agriculture gdp for India. Could you please suggest some way out?
Take the major crops in the district multiply by average yield and prices and you would get a close approximate. You observation is correct, You have state level data, but it s not done by aggregating District level agriculture GDP. However in many districts you may get a District Statistical Handbook where this data will be there. Please contact District Statistical officer who comes under NIC.
Land utilization pattern of the district may be useful to validate the data!
You can also take the livestock population in the district multiply by average yield (meat/egg/milk/wool etc.) and prices and you would get a more closer approximate. Please contact District Statistical officer who comes under NIC.
Thank you @Emmanuel and @Raj , for your response. But , is this information easily available through district statistical officer? Moreover, I need it district wise (for all India), so is it just one central person, who has all the information, or will I have to look for this officer in every state? Please let me know the best suitable source.