
In order to validate psychometric properties of a questionnaire and more precisely the structural validity, the esem package : https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/psych/versions/

indicates tha ESEM is based upon EFA.

Is ESEM necessarely based on EFA ? Or is it possible to base the ESEM on CFA ?

In my case, when I run an EFA, some items converged to the wrong factors. Factors of this questionnaire are supposed to be theoretically highly correlated due to the similarity of certain items. Consequently, if I run ESEM on EFA, I obtain really good fit indexes but with a model which not corresponds to the theoretical model.

Is it possible to conduct ESEM based upon CFA in order to obtain good fit indexes with a model corresponding to the theory? (When I run CFA, fit indexes were quite good but correlation between factors were very high and sometimes superior to 1 because of similarity of certain items).


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