10 October 2016 7 7K Report

I'm performing IMAC to purify my his-tagged protein (enzyme) from e. coli lysate. It seems I can get a good amount of my protein of interest but the problem is that I also get alot of coeluates, see attached file.

My protocol (everything at 4C):

Spin down 1L bacterial culture and sonicate the pellet in 50ml binding/wash buffer (20mM Tris, pH8, 20mM Imidazole, 500mM NaCl) --> spin down --> incubate lysate using 2ml nickel chelating resin from G Biosciences (786-281) overnight --> wash 4x 20ml --> elute in 9x 1ml increments in elution buffer (20mM Tris, pH8, 500mM Imidazole, 500mM NaCl)

After this I tried troubleshooting as indicated by G Biosciences: use less amount of resin, elute step-wise by increasing imidazole, reduce lysate-resin incubation time.

So I tried another experiment: 500ml bacterial culture sonicated in 25ml binding/wash buffer --> incubate lysate in 0.25ml resin for 1hr --> wash 4x 20ml --> elute in 7x 0.5ml increments in elution buffer with imidazole ranging from 100mM to 500mM (also incubated the flowthrough O/N with another 0.25ml resin and performed same experiment)

However, I still get background proteins. Any thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated. 

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