Thiourea spray @ 500 ppm at pre-flowering and pod development stages are known to reduces moisture stress in oilseed crops and enhances oil content. Moreover, spray of anti-transpirants and use of recommended K fertilizer doses also helps to minimize the drought effects.
There is need to introduce drought tolerant varieties and suitable production system including appropriate plant protection measures. Quality seeds are required to be made available to farmers.
One of the strategy recommended to tackle the drought during the rabi linseeds is to change the soil properties. By applying hydrogel polymer the water holding capacity increases. This could help towards drought stress.
For drought stress induction, seed priming, growth hormones, osmoprotectants, silicon (Si), selenium (Se) and potassium applicationare worth using under drought stress conditions in plants. Seed size played a role in the response of oilseed to drought, but it depended on biotype and stress level imposed. The single top consideration was yield, and disease resistance, stalk quality, genetic traits, and availabilitywere other important factors. Environmental factors such as temperature, light, pH, and soil moistureare known to affect seed germination.