Suppose we have a set of players, i.e., {p1, p2, ..., pn} and each player has three different strategies, i.e., {s1, s2, s3}. They play m number of games. In each game, each player seeks to maximize its profit by selecting a strategy with highest playoff. The profit associated with each strategy is as follows.

1) Payoff for selecting strategy s1 is zero

2) Payoff for selecting strategy s2 is a real number, which is calculated using some formula f1

3) Payoff for selecting strategy s3 is also a real number, however, it is calculated using another formula f2

I want to prove the existence of Nash equilibrium when all the players select one of the available strategies.

I have searched on web and found several documents, however, I couldn't get a clear idea to prove it mathematically.

Any help is deeply appreciated. Please let me know if I have missed any information. Thank you in advance.

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